Benchmark your workplace safety maturity against market performance
Anchor and prioritise strategic programmes of work against weak areas
Drive ownership and delivery behind a continuous improvement work plan
Track, measure and provide organisation wide visibility of business impact
Thousands of companies trust Safe365 worldwide
Thousands of companies around the world have used Safe365 to help them achieve a more accountable, enabled and effective occupational health and safety culture at work.
Why us? We know the road to health and safety leadership status
Informed by over seven years of research and development, ISO standards, global best practice and industry legislation, our technology knows how to strengthen your occupational health and safety maturity.
What’s your health and safety maturity score?
We’re co-building solutions
We started with Enterprise Safety software, now we’re co-building tools to meet specific workplace health and safety needs.
The latest in health and safety news
Articles, blog posts and tips from leading health and safety experts.